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MOST Beautiful Ideas Paintings For Beginners With Watercolor,Poster Colours,Oil Pastels And Canvas.

MOST Beautiful Ideas Paintings For Beginners With Watercolor,Poster Colours,Oil Pastels And Canvas.

There are many lovers of fine arts who have a lot of information, many paintings that we can call the most Beautiful Ideas Paintings in the world, but on the other hand, there are many people who have not seen these paintings, and they always have a state of wonder about why these paintings are sold at such prices. Expensive?

Beautiful Ideas Paintings

Simple and beautiful art paintings - ideas for creating beautiful, simple and wonderful plastic art paintings. Artistic paintings are one of the most important elements of decoration in the current era. It unblocks the walls and adds vitality to them. And you can make a simple plastic art painting of your creativity by drawing a simple fine art, even if you do not have the slightest skill in drawing.

Perhaps this answer is better known to specialists, but it depends largely on the artistic ways in which these paintings were drawn, or on the artist’s fame or their association with researchers or a certain legend, but it is certain that there are many paintings that were painted with unparalleled accuracy and care, This is what makes them so hard to replicate so they deserve to be expensive.

Simple Art Paintings

So why not try now to get acquainted with a group of these paintings, and know their names and many important information about them as follows.
A collection of the most expensive and beautiful paintings in the world.

In these points, we will make a wonderful tour between many of the world’s museums, and we will learn through them about paintings that are considered rare artistic icons and it is difficult for a work of art to come with its beauty or quality, but the most important of them are as follows:-

The Famous Painting The Cards Players

Most Beautiful Paintings It is possible to say that this painting is one of the most beautiful works of the plastic artist Paul Cézanne, and it embodies two people playing cards, and the artist was able to paint it in a very unique and accurate manner.

Wonderful Painting

Woman III Inspirational Painting

This painting is considered one of the most famous works of the artist William de Kooning, and he painted it in 1953, and it is considered a modern art painting. This painting was sold in 2006, and its price at that time reached 161 million US dollars, and the lucky owner, as usual, was Businessman Stephen Cohen.

The magnificent painting Three Studies of Lucian Freud

most beautiful paintings

This painting also contains many artistic details that make it unique, and the wife of businessman Steve Waynes purchased this painting for an amount of 144 million US dollars and that was in 2013, and the painting belongs to the British artist Francis Bacon, and he painted it In 1969, it was painted in oil colors and belongs to modern era paintings.

Eight Elvises painting

most beautiful paintings

It is also one of the priceless paintings, and it was painted in 1963 by one of the most important American artists at the time, Andy Warhol, and the value of this painting is estimated at about 109 million US dollars.

Classical painting Massacre of the Innocents

most beautiful paintings

Classical paintings are considered works that cannot be appreciated with money, because painting in this era was characterized by many characteristics that made it unique and real to a large degree. And that was in 1611, and it was sold for an amount of 101 million US dollars, and it was the businessman Ken Thompson who bought it.Portrait de l’artiste sans barbe
Here we are talking about one of the most important paintings by the immortal artist Van Gogh, this crazy man with his art who left to humanity a heritage of paintings that are invaluable at any price, but this painting we are talking about was estimated at about 100 million US dollars, and it is worth mentioning that Van Gogh has He painted this painting over a period of more than 25 years, and he finished it in 1890.

A Wheatfield with Cypresses Panel

most beautiful paintings

It is not surprising that Van Gogh’s works occupy the list of the most expensive paintings in the world. In addition to the previous painting, A Wheatfield with Cypresses is considered one of the most expensive paintings in the world, and it also belongs to the artist Van Gogh, and its value was estimated at about 93 million US dollars.

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